05 June 2015

Inspiring Moms :: Erica Knecht

Inspiring Moms :: Erica Knecht

In the month of May, we?ve handpicked and interviewed a few of the inspiring moms in our lives that seem to have it all! Their passion, great fashion sense, lovely kids and make it look like a walk in the park while at it. Even thought we're spilling into June, we would like to share the intimate interview with?our dear friend, Erica from That Wild Road Photography?!



Your Favourite moment in your children?s lives:
It?s hard to pick a favourite moment in my children?s lives. Their births of course were magical. And first smiles, first steps, first words are all memorable, special and significant. But my heart gravitates to everyday moments. The most unexceptional, common, quotidian moments are most precious to me.?Sunday?mornings together as a family eating breakfast listening to my girl chat about what she wants to do that day, while my boy laughs as he tries to throw strawberries into his water cup. Tickle fights on the bed, when my girl laughs so big, my heart just wants to burst. Or golden afternoons down by the pool, watching my children with their friends, little tanned bodies running through the garden as the light leans low. These are the moments when I think, this right here, this is everything I?ve ever wanted.
Biggest challenges in motherhood:
My biggest challenge in motherhood is, I think, learning to be a whole, and complete person, outside of my parents? influence and separate from my kids. Trying to put aside learned behaviours and stop patterns from my own childhood is difficult. My parents were fairly authoritarian and it?s difficult for me to learn that total compliance from my kids is not going to happen. (And it?s not healthy anyway!) Also, I often feel very responsible for my kids? feelings. If they are hurt or upset or angry, I feel ownership for their pain. I either want to fix things, or I want them to stop acting out their feelings. I feel guilty if I?m unable ?make them? stop crying. But my job is not to erase their feelings, but to be there and love them right through their difficulties. It?s hard. But I think, learning to be a whole and complete person, and learning to love unconditionally is, really, everyone?s biggest challenge. And the reason we are all here. Right?
What inspired you to start your photography business? What are you must proud of?
I had this little group of friends here in Jakarta, all beautiful, honest, and creative souls. We used to hang out together, drinking too much wine and laughing just a little bit too hard. We would talk about life, and our work, what was hard and what we love. And also make a lot of inappropriate jokes. Each of them had a little creative side project that they ran while also being full-time mothers. From them I learned just how valuable a creative outlet is, and how it really is possible to build something even, even something small, while caring for little ones. They were instrumental in inspiring me to move my work forward, and start shooting professionally (website here). I?ll always be thankful for those ladies.
I feel a lot of pride for showing my kids that I can build something for myself, despite the difficulties of living outside my home culture and moving around every few years. I can work through that and make the life I want for myself.
Tips for new moms:?
My biggest tip for new moms is this: Find that thing that fills you up, that thing you love, that thing that inspires you, and brigs you joy. Something that allows you to feel like a human being, a whole person, and not just someone?s mum. (But being someone?s mum is pretty great!) Anyway, find something you love outside your children. Raising children is hard work. It demands an enormous amount of emotional and physical energy. You can not give you children everything they need if you are depleted.? You need to replenish your cup. For me, photography serves that purpose. After a morning working on my photos, or an afternoon shooting, I come home with so much joy and energy to give my kids.
A great and sensible camera:?
I think the very best camera for parents is the one you have on hand, the one that you love to shoot with. Realistically it is often the iPhone camera, and that thing can take some really great pictures. But, I realise this is a totally unsatisfying answer.
I shoot most of my professional pictures on a Canon 6D, with a 35 mm lens. But for personal work I?m lusting after the FujiFilm x100t. It?s small, lightweight, feels great in the hand, looks amazing, and it can go anywhere. It handles all sorts of really challenging light situations better than almost any other camera. It?s fast (and you need that for a fast moving kiddo!) Also, it takes amazing pictures. Like, I know a few pros who use this camera for their professional work. So, I?m saving my pennies for this one!
{Erica also blogs over at That Wild Road}
Doesn't Erica sound like someone you want to drink wine and laugh a little too hard with!? We love what she said about learning to be whole. It really resonated with us!! Thanks for the reminder, Erica!